How to Make Great Webinars

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Though live presentations are much better than those done on videos, you can still do something about it to make those webinars as closely to being lively and exciting as live ones. Below are things you can do to make your interactive video presentations or webinars interesting:

Bring your own enthusiasmBe as energetic as possible. Since you don’t have a live audience right in front of you to feed off your energy from, you need to give off just the right amount of excitement be able to motivate your audience.

Don’t sit on a slide too long – Don’t talk about a single slide for a long time. It will just bore your audience.

Create some movementUse cheesy animations when and where appropriate.

Audio is a priorityUse high quality microphones that deliver high quality audio. Audio is of utmost importance when doing webinars, even more so important than the quality of the video.

Practice your timingRehearse well and keep a timer.

To get more insights about these tips, please head to: How to create a great webinar or a presentation for a video

From PowerPoint Slide to Microsoft Word

powerpoint-tips-export-powerpoint-word-300x101Have you ever thought of making a copy of your PowerPoint slides to Word? How do you do that? How do you copy a PowerPoint slide to Word? To answer this question, you must first know how you want your slides to look on Word.

1. Do you want just the text?

2. Do you want the picture of a slide?

3. Do you want to include some of the pictures of some of the slides?

If you want either of these three or all of them done, please head to this link for detailed instructions: How to copy a PowerPoint slide to Microsoft Word



How to Better Your Presentations – 10 Tips

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????There are a lot of ways you can do to better your presentations. These ten tips below are from They sound really valuable and I thought it’s best to share these tips here:

(1) Turn off the computer. This way, you minimize distractions. Don’t rely on your computer for the outline of your presentation.

(2) Put the audience first. The story your telling your audience, in essence, is really their story. It should be what they need. Focus on that.

(3) Have a solid structure. It can be simple, it can be complicated. The point is it will help you build the narrative.

(4) Have a clear theme. Be clear about what you want to convey and what you want to stick to your audience.

(5) Remove the nonessential. Only use what is essential to the story.

These are just five tips. Read the rest here: 10 tips for improving your presentations & speeches


PowerPoint 2013 Tip – Zoom into a slide and choose another slide in Slide Show view

microsoft-office-name-logo-computer-screen-windows-44549021Do you know how to zoom into a slide and choose another slide in Slide Show view–PowerPoint 2013? With the new features of PowerPoint 2013, you can do the following:

  • To see an area of the slide close up, Zoom into a slide.
  • In that magnified view, pan around the slide.
  • After looking at all of the slides, choose a slide to display.

Head to Ellen’s post to watch the video on how to do this.

How to Recover When You Freeze on Stage

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Things won’t always go smoothly as planned when we do our presentations or speak in public. Despite the fact that we’ve practiced enough, sometimes, fear get the better of us and we bomb on stage. What do we do to recover? Here are some tips:

1. Take stock and pivot. Try to see what’s wrong. Do your audience seem bored? If you’re doing a sales presentation and you already got the buy-in of the client, quickly head to the close.

2. Breathe. Stay calm. Smile. And NEVER PANIC.

3. Summarize. To buy time, summarize what you’ve already said.

4. Use a pattern interrupt. Do something unexpected to bide time such that your audience won’t even notice you’ve lost your train of thought.

These are just 4 tips. There’s more if you head to this link: What To Do When You Bomb On Stage

How to Deal with Presentations in a Hurry

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Did you ever experience having been asked to present something at a moment’s notice? How did you feel? Did you panic? Were you still able to come up with a good presentation?

One thing that you can do in order to be ready when a situation like this pops up is to have a global structure for your presentation, a general framework or outline that can work for all kind of presentation. Here’s an example:

  1. Introduction
  2. Mission/ Vision
  3. Introduce others as appropriate
  4. State a general structure for the meeting
  5. Start with 3 main points that you’ll cover
  6. Unpack those points
  7. Conclude & summarize

To know more about this, please head to: How to present when there’s no time to prepare



How to Make Effective Presentations: 6 Tips

businesswoman-giving-presentation-portrait-mature-39858188Practice makes perfect. I know, I know. It’s such a cliche. So for today’s post, I will be giving you other awesome tips on how you can prepare for your presentation and make it more effective.

1. Always make it about your audience — what’s in it for them? 

2. Too much information is a no-no. Just share the essentials. 

3. Remember the five Cs: Be credible, confident, clear, concise and compelling.

4. Model yourself after someone who is qualified and successful in your field. 

5. Prepare answers to possible questions that your audience might ask.

6. Rehearse answers to tough questions. 

To know more insights about how to make an effective presentation, please head to this link: How To Prepare for Presentations – 6 Tips to Make Effective Presentations – from a Presentation Trainer

How to Customize the Ribbon in PowerPoint

powerpoint-tips-customize-powerpoint-interface-1-300x96In PowerPoint, do you find yourself using the same commands over and over? You can be more efficient in your work if you customize the interface in PowerPoint. So instead of finding commands that you use often and clicking them so many times, you can actually customize not only the Quick Access Toolbar (usually at the top left of your screen) but the entire ribbon as well.

Ellen Finkelstein describes how to do this in her blog post Customize the PowerPoint interface.

In her blog post, she details on how you ca customize the ribbon and use multiple configurations as well.

Head to her blog post now to find out more.